Seminar by Riphah Institute of Public Policy | “G20 Summit in IIOJK: Exploitation of Economic Alliance”


A panel discussion was held in Islamabad on 31st of May, 2023 organized by the Riphah Institute of Public Policy. The theme of the discussion was “G20 Summit in IIOJK: Exploitation of Economic Alliance”. Notable guests included Dr. Nisar Cheema Member Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir, Dr. Syed Mujahid Gilani President Kashmir Youth Alliance, Dr. Waleed Rasool Director General at Institute of Multi-Track Dialogue, Development and Diplomatic Studies, Rashid Aftab Dean Riphah Institute, Naseem Khalid Secretary National Assembly and Altaf Wani Chairman Kashmir Institute of International Relations. A diverse group of students was also invited to attend and be enlightened with the numerous insights on the said matter.

The speakers highlighted the deceptive Indian designs of occupation behind holding the G-20 summit in the IIOJK. India has been putting all its might in getting the economic stakeholders of the world to recognize its illegal power in Kashmir. This move also aims at strengthening its own collapsing economy.

President KYA Dr Mujahid Gilani presented a retrospective analysis of the BJP led onslaught on Kashmiri freedom and its deliberate attempts at portraying normalcy in the land. The next stage after normalcy projection was to bring in foreign investments wherein G-20 summit comes to play. Indian settler colonialism relies on driving out Kashmiri Muslim populations to establish its own construction projects with the help of foreign investors such as Magna Waves Pvt Ltd and Emaar Group.

The speakers shed light on the international community’s varied response to the summit including refusal of countries such as Oman, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, China, Turkey and Indonesia to take part in the summit. They discussed that despite India’s façade, journalists have picked up on the sinister silence in the Kashmiri streets, reeking of violence and repression.

The occupied territory is suffering manifold at the hands of fascist India. This fascism needs to be exposed and the Indian government should face sanctions.