Kashmir and Indian Colonial Strategy: An Event by GCU Kashmir Society


Government College University is observing Kashmir month in February 2023. The society had organized a play on Kashmir and invited President KYA Dr. Syed Mujahid Gilani to the event.
The president in his address discussed the recent happenings in IIOJK, particularly the G-20 summit 2023, several meetings of which are scheduled by the Indian government to be held in JK.

He said that the Indian occupier is trying to put up a normalcy image in the occupied territory for the developed world to see. This is a cunning agenda to attract more business and investment for its own economy at the expense of Kashmiris lives and livelihoods. The situation on ground however is one of utmost fear and chaos for the Kashmiri Muslims who are resisting the occupation by all means.

He also exposed the BJP- led government’s attempts to change the demography of the valley of JK which began well before the abrogation of articles 35-A and 370 and continues unabated with uprooting of natives from their lands and settlers being allotted prime areas of Agriculture as well as commercial growth.
The play was followed by a brief introduction of the society’s activities for the guests.