The Kashmir Files & Real Story of Kashmiri Pandits

By : Dr Syed Mujahid Gilani
President Kashmir Youth Alliance 

‘The Kashmir Files,’ directed by Vivek Agnihotri, is a Hindi-language Indian drama film. The narrative of Pushkar Nath Pandit in 1990 and his grandson Krishna Pandit’s journey in the present is told in a non-linear manner. Indian producers have tried to spread lies by calling this drama a true story. The truth is the opposite of what the Indian documents themselves tell us.

For Decades, the Kashmiri Pandit exodus has remained a stigma for the Pro Freedom Camp. There have been speculations and different data has been presented through sources other than the GoI claiming that hundred thousands of KPs were killed and millions had to leave Jammu Kashmir in 1990.

The reality has always been masked by repeated Lies from Indian sponsored fake cells, projects and organizations. The Lie about KP killings has been presented as the truth to the world to malign the Kashmiri Freedom Struggle. In 1941, Pre-Partition census tells us that the total percentage of Muslims in the state was 77% while hindus were 20% with Muslim Percentage in Jammu was 61% and 37% were hindus. An estimated One Hundred and forty thousand Pandits resided in valley in 1990(Alexander Evans).

The 2011 census reveals that the Muslim Percentage in Jammu has dropped to 33% while the hindu percentage has risen to 62%, while the overall population shows a 68% muslims in the state with 28% hindu population, which is on the positive again. The GoI has released some documents on KP issue, where it states that only 89 KPs were killed from the period from 1990. A total of 53 thousand Hindus are registered with the Government as Displaced persons, which was earlier 59 thousand in 2004.

A total of One Hundred and thirty five thousand are registered under relief/Non relief category whereas the no. of Muslims is merely in hundreds. The Refugees registered in AJK are around 43 thousand in the camps.The 2011 census gives a total of 35 lac hindus in the state. The number even includes the 2700-3400 Pandits who still live in IIOJK. The numbers tell that GoI registered almost all the hindus at that time for possible relief perks. Many claim that the KPs in government job, continue to receive their salaries.

The Kashmiri Pandits were never the target of Freedom Struggle as a communal disharmony. As per AS daulat, the former IB chief in IIOJK, the few KPs who were killed were mainly informers to the Police. N. trissal states in her documents that muslims remained very helpful to their KP neighbors. Sanjay Tikoo, head of KPSS, also adds “history stands witness to the fact that had the Muslims wanted, they could have killed all the pandits in Kashmir in 1947. But that did not happen as we Kashmiri have a very close-knot society” (Kashmir Ink, 2016).

Just as the Propagandists claim the KP killings as communal inside the IIOJK, K. Malhotra states in her article while the older generation cites economic necessity and attachment to their land as reasons to continue living in Kashmir, the younger generation of Sikhs prefers to remain rooted for fear of religious persecution in India. The fact remains that Different Indian Sponsored Projects were exposed by EU Disinfo Lab who have been maligning the Kashmiris Just Struggle for freedom. The Same tool has been used by India to gain leverage on the KP killings and exodus.

Dr Syed Mujahid Gilani

Today, Kashmiris are facing real genocide threat (Dr Stanton), while already more than three hundred thousand have laid their lives since 1947. In this aspect, one can easily tell which community has faced genocide. The So called Kashmiri Pandit genocide is not only fake and self-exaggerated, it is an attempt to demean the Kashmiri Muslims. Once, the Indian stooges are able to dehumanize the Muslims, their killings become even easier. Stop the Trash such as “Kashmir Files”. Face the truth, speak the truth and abstain from repeated lies so that the world may take your lie as the actual truth.