Kashmir: Surviving COVID-19 under the military boot


On 2nd October 2020, Kashmir Youth Alliance in collaboration with Youth Forum for Kashmir (YFK) and Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences organized a Seminar to pay Tribute to the Heroes of Fight Against Covid-19 and to discuss the Covid19 situation in Occupied Kashmir. President KYA Dr. Syed Mujahid Gilani, Parliamentary Secretary Nosheen Hamid, Adeela Khan, Zaman Bajwa and Zille Huma were the speakers of this activity.

Dr Syed Mujahid Gilani said In Kashmir, one doctor is employed for every 3,866 people, way below the average for India of 1 to 2,000. By contrast, the region has no shortage of military infrastructure and personnel. Known as the world’s most intensely militarized zone, it hosts one Indian soldier for every 14 residents.

He said Kashmir also lost people due to the shortage of oxygen – something the government continues to deny. During the surge, one just had to open social media to see the shocking scale of shortages of oxygen, hospital beds and medicines.

Speakers paid tribute to the heroes of Covid19, all these heroes put their own life at risk to take care of our covid19 patients. They worked relentlessly to take care of thousands of coronavirus-infected people in the highly contagious environment. A lot of them got infected themselves and their families also got infected.