Seminar Titled “A Retrospective Analysis of Kashmir’s Accession to India’ organised by the Institute of Regional Studies and Kashmir Youth Alliance”


“The efforts of the Government of Pakistan for the people of Kashmir will never cease, ” said Qamar Zaman Kaira, the Adviser to the Prime Minister on Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. He was speaking at an event titled ‘A Retrospective Analysis of Kashmir’s Accession to India’ organised by the Institute of Regional Studies and Kashmir Youth Alliance here on Tuesday. He said that all governments irrespective of their political affiliations had voiced the plight of Kashmiris at home and internationally and that they will continue do so. While there was some semblance of support from the Muslim countries on Kashmir issue, there was a need to bring all the countries together in discrediting the abuse of power in the valley at the hands of a fascist government. The Hindutva-driven regime had left behind all the extremes of barbarity and there was no denying the fact that the biggest role in keeping the struggle alive was that of the Kashmiri blood and sweat, he said. Kaira called for keeping the youth aware of the government’s efforts for Kashmir and the importance of Kashmir as the unfinished agenda of partition to keep them motivated and save them from hopelessness. He termed Kashmir a human rights issue. Kaira said that no people could be subdued through the use of brute force in the twenty-first century. He added that Pakistan’s main dispute with India was Kashmir and will keep providing moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiris in their just struggle. He said that Pakistan was never the aggressor and that it would never choose to be one in the times that follow, however, Kashmir was one issue that commanded absolute resolve and commitment for Pakistan.

Dr Mujahid Gilani, President Kashmir Youth Alliance said in his remarks that while it was appreciable that the current government was paying special attention to Kashmir issue, it was important to realise that a significant part of delivering to the Kashmir cause was to deliver on the promises made by previous governments. He said that it was time to move beyond rhetoric and to enable the Kashmiris to tell their stories, their way. Dr Gilani further added that the new generation needed to be sensitized about the cultural nuances of Kashmir and the significance that it held for Pakistan.
Ms Farzana Yaqoob, CEO Mantaq, said in her remarks that it was high time that Kashmir was seen not as a responsibility but as a major asset. She said that in the present circumstances, there was a need to establish a bare minimum threshold to retain peace in the valley and then stick to it. A formal policy document detailing various aspects of Pakistan’s Kashmir Policy needed to be developed without any apprehensions, she said. Ms Yaqoob further suggested that it was now time that the Government of Pakistan must consider expanding the administrative control and scope of the AJK government for it to effectively carry out tasks that could facilitate the Kashmir cause.

Other notable speakers at the event included Mr Zafar Ahmed, Ms Maryam Mastoor and Ms Humera Iqbal.