Seminar on Kashmir, an emblem of courage at Punjab University


LAHORE (04 Feb 2022): Chairman Parliamentary Special Committee on Kashmir Shehryar Afridi has said that a united and strong Pakistan can help Kashmiris; therefore, our young generation must strengthen its roots and rise above any differences to stand together for liberation of Occupied Kashmir.

He was addressing a seminar on Kashmir, an emblem of courage organized by Punjab University Human Rights Chair in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day at Al Raazi Hall here on Friday. President Kashmir Youth Alliance Dr Syed Mujahid Gilani, PU Human Rights Chair head and PU Department of Public Relations and Advertising Chairperson Prof Dr Abida Ashraf, Department of Journalism Chairperson Prof Dr Bushra Rehman, Haroon Rafique, Dr Rabia Noor, faculty members and a number of students participated in the event. 

Addressing the seminar, Afridi said that our youth could convince the world to resolve the Kashmir issue through their achievements and strength of character. He said that no one would value us if we did not advance in science and technology. He said that we must not fall prey to hybrid war launched by India and we must keep our minds clear. He said that India was distorting history and we must counter her propaganda.

He said that we must not be confused in our concepts and we must thwart any intrigue hatched to creating division among us. He said that we not only condemn serious violations of human rights and genocide in Kashmir but all over India where minorities were being tyrannised by Indian forces.

He urged the youth to recognise their glory and present a positive image of Pakistan. He said that Pakistan had fought wars for the people of IIOJ&K and Kashmiris had also sacrificed their lives, property and everything for Pakistan.

President Kashmir Youth Alliance Dr Syed Mujahid Gilani said that Kashmiris stood with Pakistan and they looked towards Pakistan for help. He requested the university teachers to allocate some time in their lectures to highlight the Kashmir issue.

Meanwhile, the documentaries produced by the students of School of Communication Studies on various aspects of Kashmir issue were screened. The students highlighted various issues being faced by Kashmiris like half-widow, half orphan etc and Indian atrocities in the valley.

Afridi highly appreciated the students for presenting Kashmir issues through their creations and said that it would contribute towards the Kashmir cause. Later, Prof Dr Bushra Rehman offered prayers for the liberation of Kashmir and prosperity of Pakistan.